Despite the many advancements in western medicine, Our Society is Still Left with Masking Symptoms Rather than Finding The Cause
our society is still left with masking symptoms rather than finding the cause. Health Missions and the team of doctors behind it believe that your body has the innate ability to heal itself. Your support will help us advance the education and research needed, as well as give back to the communities we serve.
The human body has the innate ability to heal itself. Health Missions is committed to empowering people to utilize a natural approach to inspire their own body’s ability to heal without the use of unnecessary medications and surgery. At Health Missions we want to spread that message to doctors as well as the public. We are committed to expressing these views on the media and publications around the world.

As a component of the promotion, we want to educate people on the benefits of natural health care. From individuals to families and sports teams to corporations, we aim to help people live their best by offering healthy tips that they can easily incorporate into their daily lives. We schedule doctors to speak about a wellness lifestyle at conventions, corporations, tradeshows, private events and more.
We believe natural health care should be available to everyone. That is why we send mission teams to remote areas of the country and around the world. We are also working to establish no low-cost clinics to provide chiropractic and nutrition care to those who otherwise would not have access to it.

Having access to quality health care solutions should be an option for everyone. That is why we are continually putting together and sending out teams to provide natural health care services to the underprivileged and underserved, both here in the U.S. and around the world.
Health Missions is committed to protecting your ability to access natural health care by validating its efficacy. We are equally dedicated to protecting those practitioners who provide those services from receiving backlash against its delivery. Pulling data from thousands of natural health care clinics, we will compile practice-based research into one database and publish studies that support the effectiveness of natural health care.

Despite overwhelming evidence that natural healthcare can prevent, and at times reverse disease, insurance companies, and other third-party payors tend to overlook the immense value of these services. The goal of our research is to validate chiropractic and natural healthcare to enable more consumers to gain exposure of these services and receive insurance coverage for them.
Most health care research is conducted on prescription drugs because they are funded by the pharmaceutical industry. This industry has the most powerful influence on the health of you and your family. Drug Companies Spend about $800 Million on Lobbying for their Interest
To give you an idea of this power, drug companies spend about $800 million on lobbying for their interest, which is more than any other industry in our country, according to government records analyzed by the Center for Public Integrity. The industry has well over 1,200 lobbyists – more than two for every member of Congress!
Natural health care organizations struggle to validate the effectiveness of their services because they do not have the funding. Many amazing life-saving natural services are not supported by conventional medicine, are not reimbursed by insurance companies, and are kept out of reach to millions of people needing the services. It is time to commit to the research that is needed to change the health care monopoly run by the pharmaceutical industry. Health Missions is committed to funding the necessary research to validate the clinical effectiveness of natural health care therapies such as chiropractic, massage therapy and nutritional services. The following studies aim to enhance public interest in natural health care solutions as well as improve your opportunity to receive insurance or third-party reimbursement for such services.